Thursday, March 10, 2011

Break the Records.....

Pecah rekod..! there are 2 post in a day..haha.. who cares rite.. nak jugak tampal kt cni..dpt dari sini . kenalan yang muke die cam lisdawati.. die xsuke dikatakan mirip lisdawati.... sori che aa and tq for the info,gud enuf walaupon lambat bace n tau...hihi..

its me..!!!~

Blood Type B

People with blood type B tend to be curious and interested in everything. They also lean to have many hobbies. If they are interested in something, they will be buoyant (periang!), but unfortunately they will be bored fast. However, they can choose the most important thing for them to do.
They lean to want to be number one in anything rather than just to be average people. But, they usually ignore another activity if they have focused on a certain activity. In other words, they cannot do some activities at the same time.
They look cheerful, enthusiastic, and bright. But, they are actually not like their appearances.(ciannyee) Indeed, they are antisocial with many people. They are rugged (kasar tapi ikhlas..hehe..ini kamus beritahu eh) individualists who are straightforward and like to do things their own way. Unluckily, their insistence on being independent can sometimes go too far and become a weakness.

its my lovely ..!!~

Blood type O

People with blood type O usually have a big role in motivating the passion of their groups and stimulating the harmonious relationship among the group members. They look like people who accept and do something calmly(betul,betul,betul).They are smart to cover up their feelings, so they look like people who are always cheerful, peaceful, and do not have problem at all. But, if they cannot bear it, they will surely find out a place or someone to talk.
They are kind, often do kindness, and are not reluctant to get out of their money to other people. They are actually stubborn too (hurmmm..) and have their own opinions about anything in confidence, but they are also flexible and easily accept new things. No wonder that they lean to be influenced easily by other people. Look like people who are temperate and believable, but they also often make big mistakes because of their careless characteristic. However, their characteristics make them lovable.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Pakdi kata...

Aku suka ilmu tentang mengurus kewangan sebab kewangan aku memang perlu dirawat sejak dulu lagi..haha.. salah satu blog yang aku suka lepak ialah .. tag line memang cun " Hanya Untuk Yang Mahu Celik Wang"..
Hidup ni memang tak boleh lari dari hutang, oleh itu hutang juga kene dirancang, pelik kan, tapi memang aku akui supaya hati aku boleh senang lenang.
Hidup ini juga perlu ade kefokuskan kepada sesuatu matlamat tak kira pendek atau panjang, baru la cam ade makna ckit,kang mcm biskut kering bergerak lak.. so arini fokus untuk tenangkan jiwa dengan pengurusan hutang.. 
pakdi cite 5 mende, tapi 2 out of 5 yang aku rase aku perlu perhatikan kerna ia sangat berkait rapat for the mean time untuk diambil kira..pakdi marah ke aku kopi ek.. insyaAllah tak kot..hihi.. ilmu perlu dikongsi ye tak?sharing is caring..
kat bawah ni 2 mende tersebut, sila beri perhatian ye Syahida sayang..

Hutang membeli rumah (untuk diduduki)
Sekali lagi saya perlu mengingatkan, agen hartanah, syarikat rumah, institusi kewangan dan bank bukan perancang kewangan anda.
Kita perlu merancang dengan baik bagaimana untuk membeli rumah. Sekiranya kalian masih bujang, atau baru berkahwin cukuplah membeli rumah yang biasa-biasa sahaja seperti apartment 3 bilik tidur 2 bilik air sahaja terlebih dahulu.
Jadikan rumah yang anda bakal duduk selama 10 tahun pertama misalnya sebagai salah satu pelan pelaburan selepas 10 tahun sebelum anda membeli rumah lain yang lebih sesuai untuk pembesaran anak-anak.

Hutang membeli kelengkapan rumah
Banyak penjual perabot dan elektrik hari ini telah mula memperkenalkan skim ansuran mudah. Bayar serendah RM 10 sebulan selama 24 bulan misalnya. Satu perkara yang perlu kalian ingat adalah, barang elektrik hari ini cepat rosak. Adakah berbaloi untuk membeli kelengkapan rumah berharga RM 300 misalnya dengan berhutang selama 2 tahun ?
Ya, ini belum campur dengan bil-bil tertentu yang dibayar setiap bulan dengan kad kredit!